Public Art > Seven Sentinels
Seven Sentinels 2008
powder-coated aluminum, galvanized steel, parking control mechanisms, concrete, surface mounted loop detectors
1% for Art Public Art Commission--Municipal Public Art Commission Kansas City, Missouri--New Municipal Vehicle Impound Tow Lot Facility
Seven Sentinels is crafted of standard automatic parking gates modified into seven, 16-foot-tall sculptures -- fabricated locally at A. Zahner Company. The sculptures stand equidistant inside the traffic island separating incoming and outgoing traffic at the facility’s entry. The gates raise as cars leave the facility, presenting a synchronized display like sports fans doing the Wave or soldiers presenting a military sword tribute. The gesture is inspired by cultural rites of passage. After the vehicle passes the gates, they return to their level state in a staggered wave pattern for the benefit of the exiting vehicle’s rearview and for the people at the stop sign across the street. The hope is that this experience will work to curb what is otherwise a frustrating experience in retrieving one's car. This gesture is also meant to honor the thankless jobs of the impound facility staff, tow service drives, and police personnel.